Definition of Carminative:

Carminatives and Aromatics (L. carminare, to expel wind) expel gases from the stomach and intestines by increasing peristalsis, stimulating the circulation, and relaxing the cardiac and pyloric orifices; also act as diffusible stimulants to the body and mind: cardamom seed, capsicum, ginger, peppermint, spearmint, cinnamon, nutmeg, lavender, calamus, orange, anise, caraway, coriander, fennel, pimenta, pepper, mustard, clove, asafetida, and volatile oil of each [Culbreth1927, pg 43].

Carminatives are those medicines which dispel flatulency of the stomach and bowels [Brown1878; Meyer1932].

A remedy that eases flatulence and colic in the gut by soothing. Generally a property of volatile oils [Sanchez BOTM680].

Reduces gas and bloating, usually due to excess fermentation. Relaxes smooth muscle allowing for proper peristalsis [anonymous].

Expels gas, sooths digestive tract tissue [FairyFile].

Helps flatulence, digestion, soothing [Palmer2004].

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